Be Happy. It's Fairly Easy.

Positive thinking, that is to say, REAL positive thinking, is not just 'pretending' that everything is rainbows and butterflies. That my dear, is disillusionment. Positive thinking is seeing the world at face value. All of it's terror, all of it's repulsive, despicable realities, and finding the good hiding in its midst. To think positively, is to be proactive about creating a better future in which atrocities are not as frequent. On the most fundamental level. If you strive to be optimistic, don't just be wishy-washy and bubbly. Be determined to create a perfect world no matter what the cost and inspired by even the smallest glimmers of sunshine. I am an optimist. I am not blind to the tragedies of this world. But I am still happy.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Father, The Son, and The Holy Customer

Do I look like a bank teller? Do they wear orange aprons and work at hardware franchises? No, I don't know why your checks or credit/debit cards get denied. Look at my screen. It says denied. It doesn't tell me why. Maybe it's their way of telling you to not spend so much damn money on a bath faucet. Speaking of screens, my screen is a cash register. It may be a computer monitor, but it's a register. I don't have your drivers license on file. Why? Because it's illegal. And it's not a damn computer. I take your money, I give you back money, I can tell you what time it is, and whether we have an item in the store. That's it. I am your cashier. I am not a manager. If my register can't do something, it can't do something. Telling me to get a manager, is not going to work. Also, why do you assume that I don't know what I'm talking about? Oh wait, that's right *slams hand against chest in 'der-dee-der' fashion* I'm justa cashier! Obviously, the 7 plus years I've worked in retail have taught me nothing. I'm lowly. I have a low paying job. I'm not even lower middle class because I'm middle lower class. How could I have forgotten. Only people who get salaries have brains. Oh but wait... my manager doesn't know what he's doing either? After doing it for 37 years? How peculiar. You know what? It must be the name tags. That's the ticket! Anyone who wears a name tag is an idiot. They don't know how the real world works, they don't know how important the person standing in front of them really is. They don't see that because this person in front of them spends money in their establishment, that makes this person god-like. I get it now. Keep the help stupid, and everybody's happy. All that matter's is making this god-like entity happy. Thank you America, for making this the standard of society. This is the future. The future where anyone under the age of 30 doesn't know a damn thing about anything, and treating them like a leper is customary, and even encouraged. And anyone who's older than 30, but not a manager yet, is even worse, because obviously they have no ambition. Think of it! A future where you can walk through the doors of any establishment, from a hair salon to a hotel, or even a hardware store, and be immediately treated like royalty! Who care's if what you ask is damaging to the economy, or even physically impossible! It shall be done! This lowly retail worker has been enlightened. Now, I can go to work with a smile on my face, knowing that I'm being paid barely livable wages to enable the worst kind of behavior imaginable... I'm sorry, that's not right. I meant to say that I'm being paid more than I'm worth to make others happy... Just think how terrible it would be if someone decided to say that dreaded "n" word... those horrible two little letters... Can you imagine? Someone taking a stand like that? Telling people that just because they spend money in an establishment doesn't give them the right to act like spoiled toddlers? Perish the thought! Gives me chills, just thinking of looking an irate customer in the face and saying 'Your behavior is unacceptable. Get out.'... I could never!!!

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