Be Happy. It's Fairly Easy.

Positive thinking, that is to say, REAL positive thinking, is not just 'pretending' that everything is rainbows and butterflies. That my dear, is disillusionment. Positive thinking is seeing the world at face value. All of it's terror, all of it's repulsive, despicable realities, and finding the good hiding in its midst. To think positively, is to be proactive about creating a better future in which atrocities are not as frequent. On the most fundamental level. If you strive to be optimistic, don't just be wishy-washy and bubbly. Be determined to create a perfect world no matter what the cost and inspired by even the smallest glimmers of sunshine. I am an optimist. I am not blind to the tragedies of this world. But I am still happy.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Oh Hell, Thy Name is Humanity.

The more and more I sit and think about what to do with this space, the more tempted I am to make it a rant site. I am continuously bombarded with idiocy I can't fathom, and some of it is quite literally unbelievable. Maybe, if I start contributing to the vast amounts of ranters out there about how stupid humanity can be, maybe... just maybe... they will wake up? I'm certainly not going to hold my breath. At this point, if I outright spat in someones face about what kind of image they were presenting of themselves, they would probably accuse me of being a bigot. But it is what it is. For now, I shall continue my silent awe of the amazing people I experience on a day-to-day basis, and I know everyone who has ever worked in a service related industry understands my feelings... Maybe I should run for presidency and make it mandatory that one's first job must ALWAYS be at least 5 years as a waiter or sales rep. Then I think it almost certain, we would be surrounded by a better class of person... But that's just me. I'm sure there would still be a handful of people to fuck that up.

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