Be Happy. It's Fairly Easy.

Positive thinking, that is to say, REAL positive thinking, is not just 'pretending' that everything is rainbows and butterflies. That my dear, is disillusionment. Positive thinking is seeing the world at face value. All of it's terror, all of it's repulsive, despicable realities, and finding the good hiding in its midst. To think positively, is to be proactive about creating a better future in which atrocities are not as frequent. On the most fundamental level. If you strive to be optimistic, don't just be wishy-washy and bubbly. Be determined to create a perfect world no matter what the cost and inspired by even the smallest glimmers of sunshine. I am an optimist. I am not blind to the tragedies of this world. But I am still happy.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Something to Consider About Nothing.

   "In the beginning there was Light. In the beginning there was the Word.In the beginning there was the Voice. In the beginning there was the Voice using the Word to bring Light into existence by uttering the word Light into the Void. Thus, out of the void came the Light and from it everything else.But if something can be made out of nothing then something and nothing are made out of the same material, so to speak. If something can be created out of nothing by the sheer utterance of sound that gives meaning to it, then the only difference between something and nothing is in the naming, By calling nothing something, nothing becomes something, but the truth remains that nothing really changes in the great scheme of things. The physical constitution of nothing/something, if it can even be called that, remains the same.
   That means that heaven = hell = purgatory = void = return to god. Eternal life = death forever. Mahatma Gandhi = Adolf Hitler. Al-Qaeda = UNICEF. Good and bad are indistinguishable. 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 =...= forever.
   Nothing is everything because there isn't anything.
   Now, the sad thing is that some pieces of this nothing thought themselves up, imagined themselves up, then thought up and imagined and created this thing called reality.
   These little nothings got very caught up in all this reality they invented, and made it very complex and cynical, so much so that it made them forget that they were really, in essence, still nothing. It made them stupid. It made them real.
   We are the descendants of these stupid, real people who forgot they were nothing. So we go on epic journeys, from nothing to nothing, we start in nothing and end up in nothing, we never leave nothing, but we perpetuate our delusions. On some level, we know that we're nothing but we're too scared to think about that. The whole time we're making this journey from nothing to nothing, we sense, we hope, that there is someone, something out there, a third presence that follows us, watches over us, narrates us, dreams us into being, and we hope that this being means something, is something.
   What is this something we hope is out there?

1) Fill in the blank
    The third presence is_________?
b]The Narrator
h]Who gives a shit?
k]All of the above
l]None of the above
m]All/none of the above

{I you answered m- All/none of the above, you are on your way to becoming nothing.}"

-Ismet Prcic, 'Shards'

Friday, February 10, 2012

On Jealousy and What It's Become

Before I even start, I would like to make EXPLICITLY clear, that this is an opinion... What I have noticed in my near insignificant existence on this Earth. Only my interpretation of the facts laid out before me.
Moving on...
I have had many people ask me why I never get jealous with my partners. I never mind when they check out strangers or talk to ex's or hang out with overly amorous friends. My answer to this question is simple. I trust them. If I didn't trust them, we wouldn't be together. The counterargument to this seems to be 'Well, I trust my lover, it's those other bitches I worry about.'
I don't understand this. Third parties involved, have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that YOUR PARTNER IS THE ONE THAT AGREES OR DISAGREES TO ACCEPT THEIR ADVANCES. Apologies for the type-shouting, but I need to emphasize my point. Say I have a boyfriend, but I'm still on good terms with an ex. One day I go out for coffee with this ex, because we're friends and I haven't seen him in a while. Many would agree with my boyfriend for being jealous, particularly if my ex is known for being... 'Always Overly Amorous' let's say. To me, this boyfriends feelings of jealousy (which is defined as: resentment against a rival, a person enjoying success or advantage, etc., or against another's success or advantage itself) come across as nothing more than uncalled for mistrust. Ok, so this ex of mine is a bit slutty. He may even still hold feelings for me. But I am the one to say yes or no. I am the one responsible for maintaining monogamy in my current relationship. And should I commit an act of adultery, I am the one to held accountable. No. One. Else.
As such, I never understand when one woman tells another woman "Stop talkin to my man, bitch!"
If he's really 'yours' you don't have to resort to such tactics. Maybe I am completely misguided, but every circumstance I have ever encountered in this regard, the significant other being jealous has trust issues (that I have noticed anyway).
Jealousy as it used to be know, (Oh man I really want his car!) has it's place in the world, albeit a rather small one.

Jealousy as it's known now, (If that dude looks at my girl one more time I'm gonna cold-cock him.) is a completely useless emotion, and is in fact, another emotion entirely, who's place in this world may be even smaller that the original jealousies role.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I seem to be experiencing a dry spell. I find myself thinking about the same kind of thing I normally think about. None of it seems worth sharing though. I'm having a hard time deciding if this should be called "boring" or "low maintenance". I seem to be turning inward almost. I'm never one to be overtly 'outward', but it does seem to be the case that I'm even less so lately. Maybe something extravagant will happen in the next few days that I can reflect upon or vent about... though the latter one is much more likely the case.