Be Happy. It's Fairly Easy.

Positive thinking, that is to say, REAL positive thinking, is not just 'pretending' that everything is rainbows and butterflies. That my dear, is disillusionment. Positive thinking is seeing the world at face value. All of it's terror, all of it's repulsive, despicable realities, and finding the good hiding in its midst. To think positively, is to be proactive about creating a better future in which atrocities are not as frequent. On the most fundamental level. If you strive to be optimistic, don't just be wishy-washy and bubbly. Be determined to create a perfect world no matter what the cost and inspired by even the smallest glimmers of sunshine. I am an optimist. I am not blind to the tragedies of this world. But I am still happy.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I seem to be experiencing a dry spell. I find myself thinking about the same kind of thing I normally think about. None of it seems worth sharing though. I'm having a hard time deciding if this should be called "boring" or "low maintenance". I seem to be turning inward almost. I'm never one to be overtly 'outward', but it does seem to be the case that I'm even less so lately. Maybe something extravagant will happen in the next few days that I can reflect upon or vent about... though the latter one is much more likely the case.

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